Herman@s Connection to College (C2C) establishes a pipeline from middle school to college with the purpose of providing holistic support for Latinx youth. Herman@s C2C aims to create a safe space for students and their families in an educational setting. Through the connection of an academic counselor, family engagement, resources, and mentorship, Herman@s C2C provides wrap around services to our students to close the achievement gap.

How does Herman@s C2C help students?

  • Provides wrap around support services to students in middle school at Parkway Heights through their senior year at South San Francisco high school.
  • Provides middle school students the opportunity to attend workshops, conferences, and university visits.
  • Prepares high school students to transition into college. Sophomores at South San Francisco High School or Capuchino High School concurrently enroll at Skyline College and take pre determined coursework in various General Education subjects until they are seniors.
  • Arranges transportation to university visits, conferences, and workshops for high school students.
  • Provides students with free tuition.
  • Allows students to attain a semester’s worth of college units while they are in high school
  • Provides students with direct linkage to support and services at Skyline College, such as the Puente Project, TRiO, EOPS, transfer center, skyline promise, and summer scholars.

Who might be a good fit for the Herman@s C2C program?

A potential Herman@s C2C candidate (if starting in middle school):

  • Teachers/counselors select students

A potential Herman@s C2C candidate (if starting in high school):

  • Will be a sophomore, junior or senior in high school
  • Student is behind with their high school graduation credits
  • May not have a clear educational or career goal
  • Desires to receive his/her high school diploma
  • Desire to meet other students and make friends  

How to Apply

Talk to your counselor at Parkway Heights Middle School, South San Francisco High School, or Capuchino High School.


Contact the Counseling Division at Skyline College at skycounseling@smccd.edu.

Location and Time Commitment

All classes are taught at South San Francisco High schools by Skyline College instructors. Students attend one college course per semester. The students attend the course on Monday and Wednesday afternoons from 3:10 PM-4:20 PM.   

Subject Areas/Curriculum

The courses adhere to the CSU/UC approved general education requirements and satisfy high school graduation requirements. Students will take courses in History, focusing on Latina/os in the United States. Additionally, students take a career exploration class where they are introduced to majors and career options upon high school graduation. A transition to college course is also offered, in which students learn the difference between high school and college, learn how to be successful in college, and information about the support and services on college campuses.

Educational Credit

Students receive high school and college credit for the courses they enroll in. Students do not have to pay a tuition fee for the courses taught by the Herman@s Connection to College program. If students start during their sophomore year, they can earn up to a semester’s worth of coursework.

History of Herman@s and Connection to College

Herman@s was founded in 2006 to support Latinx youth graduate high school. Connection to College (C2C), formally known as Middle School Outreach Program (MSOP), was established at Parkway Heights Middle School in 2012 to bring awareness and exposure about college to middle school students. In 2017, C2C and Herman@s came together to merge their support services.