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Program Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of the program students will be able to:

  • Demonstrate an expert knowledge of the strategies and skills of the sport and use critical thinking skills to apply this knowledge in competitive situations in order to participate to the best of one's ability in competition.
  • Demonstrate traits of good sportsmanship and teamwork in both competition and practice.
  • Apply discipline and commitment developed in practice and competition to academic achievement.

Program Goals

The goals and practices of our athletic program are to:

  • sponsor intercollegiate competitive sports in accordance with conference rules and the State Athletic Constitution;
  • foster broad programs of men’s and women’s intercollegiate athletics that are consistent with students educational objectives with an emphasis on retention, completion and transfer;
  • encourage excellence in performance by all participants in intercollegiate athletics, as well as recognize the link that exists between academic scholarship and athletic achievement;
  • not allow the recruitment of out-of-state student-athletes as specified in the State Athletic Constitution;
  • direct recruiting efforts toward student-athletes residing in San Mateo County and support the right of student-athletes to attend their school of choice and participate in all activities within the conditions specified by the State Athletic Constitution;
  • and maintain or increase balanced athletic program offerings for both men and women as student, budget and community interest will allow.