How to Be Successful in Your Work Experience Education (WORK) Course:
- Complete the Work Experience Education Application.
- Carefully read the Work Experience Education Learning Objectives .
- Present the Work Experience Education Letter to Employer to your immediate supervisor.
- Present the Work Experience Education Employer memo to your immediate supervisor.
- With the assistance of your immediate supervisor, develop a minimum of three (3) learning objectives and list them on the Work Experience Education Job Objectives Form .
- Be sure to submit Within a week email your objectives to your instructor for by the
due date
- Both you and your supervisor must sign the objectives sheet prior to submitting.
During the Semester:
- Work diligently and efficiently throughout the semester to make maximum progress on your job-related learning objectives.
- Complete weekly timesheets with your supervisor's signature and turn them in prior to the end of the semester.
Three Weeks Before the End of the Semester:
- Contact the Work Experience Education instructor to set up your final appointment.
- Be prepared to discuss your performance and progress on job-related objectives and submit your timesheets.
- Re-enroll in Work Experience Education classes for the next semester.