How to Be Successful in Your Work Experience Education (WORK) Course:

  1. Complete the Work Experience Education Application.
  2. Carefully read the Work Experience Education Learning Objectives  .
  3. Present the Work Experience Education Letter to Employer   to your immediate supervisor.
  4. Present the Work Experience Education Employer memo    to your immediate supervisor.
  5. With the assistance of your immediate supervisor, develop a minimum of three (3) learning objectives and list them on the Work Experience Education Job Objectives Form  .
  6. Be sure to submit Within a week email your objectives to your instructor for by the due date
    • Both you and your supervisor must sign the objectives sheet prior to submitting.

During the Semester:

  1. Work diligently and efficiently throughout the semester to make maximum progress on your job-related learning objectives.
  2. Complete weekly timesheets   with your supervisor's signature and turn them in prior to the end of the semester.

Three Weeks Before the End of the Semester:

  1. Contact the Work Experience Education instructor to set up your final appointment.
  2. Be prepared to discuss your performance and progress on job-related objectives and submit your timesheets.
  3. Re-enroll in Work Experience Education classes for the next semester.