Child Care & Early Education Research Connections
Freely accessible collection of more than 10,000 resources from the many disciplines related to child care and early education. Includes articles from 500+ journals, reports, grey literature, government documents, etc. Many articles' records only include abstracts (summaries).

EbscoHost databases
Wide range of articles (and other documents) from academic journals, popular magazines, newspapers, reference sources, e-books & other sources in all subject areas

ERIC (EbscoHost)
Largest source of academic education information, with almost 1.5 million abstracts of documents and journal articles on education research and practice.

Google Scholar
Google Scholar searches specifically for scholarly literature - peer-reviewed papers, theses, books, preprints, etc. Some of the search results are available in full-text but many display only an abstract with links to pay-for-document services.
You often may be able to retrieve the full-text of these articles by using the Skyline College Library Article Delivery Service.

Professional Development Collection (EbscoHost)
High quality education and teaching-related journals and reports. Full text articles from 350+ peer-reviewed titles.

PsychARTICLES + Psychology/Behavioral Sciences(EbscoHost)
Full text of nearly 80 APA journals plus nearly 400 psychology-related journals, covering topics such as emotional and behavioral characteristics, psychiatry & psychology, mental processes, anthropology, and much more.

Teacher Reference Center (EbscoHost)
Indexing and abstracts for articles in teaching and administrator journals.

Young Children
Peer-reviewed, professional journal published bimonthly by the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC); issues are organized around topical clusters that devote special attention to issues in the field of early childhood education. From NAEYC website.