Students can expect to achieve college credit, career focused certificates and advanced skills through hands-on classroom instruction and specialized support from faculty and staff.

The Strategic Partnerships and Workforce Development Division (SPWD) facilitates the delivery of workforce development programs and services designed to meet local labor market needs and to support entry or advancement in the workplace.  

Hours and Contact Info

Mon - Fri: 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

  Email Us: Martina Center-Goodman, SPWD

  Call Us: 650-738-7124

  Building 1, Room 1-311

The SPWD team coordinates programming that supports high school students access to college courses while in high school as part of our comprehensive dual enrollment partnerships with the following high school districts:  Jefferson Union High School District, South San Francisco Unified School District, San Mateo Union High School District and Sequoia Union High School District.  Our goal is to develop a college going culture for all students and to provide early access to college all while reducing the cost of college for the communities we serve. 

The SPWD division also supports adult learners/students who are looking to advance their skills or obtain a degree or certificate with our Skyline College NOW Program and through our partnerships with local Adult Schools and our efforts as part of the ACCEL Adult Education Consortia.  

The SPWD collaborates with Skyline College departments and programs, industry partners, community based organizations, and governmental agencies to connect individuals, agencies or organizations to effective career programs that provide college credit while preparing for upwardly mobile careers.

The SPWD develops and administers grants and contracts for economic and workforce development projects and initiatives. This includes Strong Workforce Program funding, Carl Perkins Federal Funding and innovative grant designed to build the next generation of qualified talent for the many careers in the bay region. 

The SPWD also works with businesses to provide customized training and education solutions for both credit and not for-credit on-site workforce preparation and development needs. The SPWD is responsible for coordinating the delivery of contracted credit and not-for-credit courses, associated services, and programs requested by business, industry, governmental or community agencies.

If you would like to learn more or to explore the potential for partnership please contact Acting Dean of Strategic Partnerships and Workforce Development via email.