Project Learning Outcomes
The Skyline College TRiO Program has three Project Student Learning Outcomes (PSLOs) that measure student success in persistence, academic standing, and certificate, associate degree and/or transfer attainment. The three PSLOs are:
- PSLO #1: 80% of TRiO students will demonstrate initiative and individual responsibility to persist from one academic year to the beginning of the next academic year. Download results.
- PSLO #2: 85% of TRiO students will maintain good academic standing (2.00 GPA) per semester with greater than 67% completion rate. Download results .
- PSLO #3: 20% of TRiO students will graduate with an associate degree or certificate within four years AND will transfer to a four year institution. Download results.
History of TRiO Programs
TRiO programs are the result of two acts of legislation that are an important part of American history: the Economic Opportunity Act of 1964, known as the War on Poverty statute, and the Higher Education Act of 1965, which asserted a national commitment to providing educational opportunity for all Americans regardless of race, ethnicity or economic circumstance. In support of this commitment, Congress established a series of programs to help low-income Americans enter college, graduate and move on to participate more fully in America's economic and social life. Our TRiO Program is funded through Student Support Services at the U.S. Department of Education.