Are you interested in transferring to a CSU or UC? Did you receive an invitation about a dual admissions pilot program? Learn about these new options for recent high school graduates.

CSU Dual Admissions

The CSU Dual Admissions pilot program is called Transfer Success Pathway (TSP). The TSP will guarantee future CSU admission to recent high school graduates entering a California community college who are committed to transferring within three years.

This program gives students clearer direction and greater confidence on their path to a four-year degree.

Students will be able to use a CSU Transfer Planner to plan for transfer to the CSU.


The TSP program is for first-time, first-year California community college students who:

  • graduated high school with the class of 2023
  • graduated high school with the class of 2022 and took a gap year (did not attend any college directly after high school

CSU TSP applicants will:

  1. Enter into an agreement with one CSU and receive guaranteed admission to the degree program and campus of your choice
    • To maintain this guaranteed admission, students must complete either an Associate Degree for Transfer or established courses of transfer at a community college within 3 years
  2. Receive personalized guidance from CSU representatives to create an educational plan to help you transfer in three years or less.
  3. Map out your coursework using the CSU Transfer Planner portal to ensure you’re on track for your degree


  • Contact the Transfer Center for assistance
  • Check out the TSP page

UC Dual Admissions

The UC Dual Admission pilot program is for California Freshmen applicants who applied but were not admitted to a UC campus. Dual Admissions is an invite-only, conditional admission guarantee to a UC campus with a Transfer Admission Guarantee (TAG) program.

Participants are offered extra support from the UC while they fulfill their transfer requirements.

Students can utilize the UC Transfer Planner to plan for transfer to the UC.


The UC Dual Admissions program is for any California freshman applicant (including resident students and students who qualify for AB 540 benefits) who

  • Applies as a high school senior for freshman admission for the fall 2023, 2024 or 2025 term
  • Applies but is not admitted to a UC campus;
  • Has at least a 3.0 UC GPA at the time of application
  • Is missing one or more A-G subject requirements at the time of high school graduation
  • Is graduating from a California high school.

If you are not eligible, we encourage you to ask the Transfer Center about a Transfer Admissions Guarantee (TAG).

If you receive an invitation to UC Dual Admissions:

  1. Learn about the UC Transfer Admission Guarantee. As part of UC Dual Admissions, you are guaranteed based on meeting the TAG requirements for the year you start at Skyline, not the year you begin at the UC campus.
  2. Select your top choice UC Transfer Admission Guarantee (TAG) Campus and TAG Major.
  3. Establish and maintain your UC Transfer Planner.


  • Contact the Transfer Center for assistance
  • Check out the UC FAQ page