Family Involvement
You are always welcome to come into the children’s classrooms at any time during the day with or without advanced notice. To enhance the quality of our program, your participation is tremendously important. We encourage you to become involved in the life of the Center. Any amount of time you take to participate will show children that you care about their activities when they are away from you and you value their education. The following are just some of the ways that you can participate:
Family Visits and Classroom Observations
Please visit with your child anytime such as during a break between classes or spend a little extra time with your child when you pick up. You may want to share the reading of a book or the construction of a puzzle; share a talent; play a musical instrument; prepare a particular food; share a favorite recipe; art; carpentry; tell stories; share a tradition or celebration your family celebrates; assist children in using a computer. All of your talents are welcome! Feel free to just come in the classroom and watch. We get to know each other and the Center becomes a place where families belong. All children and staff benefit when you volunteer to spend time with children in the classroom.

Parent Advisory Committee (PAC)
The Parent Advisory Committee (PAC) meets at least once a semester to provide a venue for discussion, planning, and leadership within the program. The PAC includes parent volunteers, staff, students, faculty, and community members. Activities may include assisting in the development of program policies, discussing the program needs, finding out about campus and community resources, planning evening and weekend parent events, and fundraising events. Parents work together to decide how some of the funds will be spent so the lives of families enrolled can be enriched. The PAC and activities planned are a great way to meet the staff and other parents and share ideas. By participating you become an advocate for your child’s education.
Student Parent Association for Children’s Enrichment (SPACE) Club
The SPACE Club is a student/parent-run club that provides additional fundraising and enrichment opportunities for the children enrolled in the program. Meetings are held in conjunction with ASSC guidelines. For more information about membership, please talk to the Child Care Services Coordinator.
Special Events
Occasionally there are special events associated with the program that require parent volunteers and/or labor. Advance notice will be provided about these events and we appreciate you help in making these events a success.